St. Matthew's C of E Primary School

With God Nothing is Impossible...

Welcome from our Governing Body

Mike Tooze
(Chair, Foundation Governor and SEND)

"Mike's experience in education started with his teaching career in the 80s which continued until he retired at Deputy Head Teacher level in 2015. During his teaching career, Mike became a Parent Governor in the 1990s and has been a Foundation Governor at St Matthew's since 2015, being recently appointed as Chair of Governors in September 2020. In his varied leadership roles, Mike led on a wide range of whole-school issues. These included curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, pastoral care, safeguarding, health and safety and staff welfare. These experiences enable Mike to participate positively in his current role as the Chair and Foundation Governor."

Danielle Edwards
(Vice Chair and Foundation Governor)

"I am delighted to be a part of St Matthew's and enjoy working with the wonderful children here."

Sonia Thompson
(Head Teacher)

"We are justifiably proud of our school and our student's achievements, furthermore, their behaviour is excellent and they enjoy the learning experiences we provide. We work closely with CEFEL, and the UKLA, alongside a range of higher education institutions and many forward-thinking schools and teachers across the United Kingdom. As the Headteacher, it is my role to work in partnership with the Governing Board to ensure that the school is providing the best education to all of our pupils."

Ian Stewart
(Foundation Governor)

"Ian is a solicitor with over 30 years' experience, almost all of it spent with the international law firm Pinsent Masons. Ian has always specialised in property law, originally advising companies in the industrial and retail sectors on their property requirements. Since 2009 he has increasingly focused on advising companies and local and national government departments on infrastructure projects such as new roads and bridges, and on energy projects like pipelines and power stations. In particular, Ian works on developing offshore wind farms. Ian has had an interest in education since serving as a parent governor at his children's primary school (Whitehouse Common School in Sutton Coldfield) in 2001. In 2011 he became a governor at St Matthew's School, where he has served in various capacities including a spell as Chair of the Governing Body. Ian is also quite active in his church, where he teaches key stage 3 children in the Sunday School. His hobbies are gardening, reading history books, and basking in the glory of Liverpool Football Club, who he has followed loyally for 50 years."

Hydeh Fayaz
Acting Deputy Head Teacher (Observer)

"I am extremely proud of our school, and honoured to be part of such a dedicated team of people, over the last three years that I have worked at St. Matthew's I have always believed that at the heart of our school are the children. It is vitally important to provide them with an exciting, nurturing, caring and engaging environment that stimulates them on their own learning journey’s to becoming independent, inquisitive, thoughtful, caring young people."

Emma Blake
(Co-opted Governor)

"I am delighted to be a part of St Matthew's and enjoy working with the wonderful children here."

Elva James-Galloway
(Co-opted Governor)

"I am delighted to be a part of St Matthew's and enjoy working with the wonderful children here."

Sharon French

"I became a school governor as I wanted to make a positive contribution to our children’s education. As a governor, I look forward to channelling the skills, knowledge, and experiences that I have acquired from the world of finance and administration, to help improve the school’s key priorities."

Angela Schofield
(Co-opted Governor)

"I am delighted to be a part of St Matthew's and enjoy working with the wonderful children here."

Emily Wood
(Co-opted Governor)

"I am delighted to be a part of St Matthew's and enjoy working with the wonderful children here."

Sainabou Barry
(Parent Governor)

"I am extremely delighted to be a Parent Governor and part of the team here at St Matthew’s. As a parent, I highly value education and believe that every child should be given the opportunity to grow, and be nurtured to achieve their greatest potential, in a conducive environment. Therefore, as a Parent Governor, I work closely with the Headteacher, the teachers, staff and the rest of the Governors, to support, challenge and influence the areas that matter to our children."

Fiona Gregson
(Foundation Governor (DBE))

"I am delighted to be a part of St Matthew's and enjoy working with the wonderful children here."

Charlotte Taft
(Clerk to the Governing Body)

"I am delighted to be a part of St Matthew's and enjoy working with the wonderful children here."

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0121 359 1602

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