St. Matthew's C of E Primary School

With God Nothing is Impossible...

Contacting Our School

We can be contacted by phone, fax, email and in person.

  • School opening and closing times:
  • Total hours provided in a typical week at St Matthew’s is 32.5 hours
    Morning registration begins at 8.45am
    Our school day ends at 3.15pm

  • Mrs Blewitt (Mon-Wed), Mrs Shanaz (Thurs-Fri) and Mrs French will deal with any queries from parents and other members of the public in the first instance and pass on to the relevant members of staff. Please do this by calling the school or using the school email.
  • Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) Mrs Taylor, is currently on Maternity Leave. SEND is currently being covered by the Head - Miss Thompson and the Deputy Head - Miss Fayaz. They are both in school every day, and you can contact them on
  • Should you require any paper copies of the information provided on our website, please contact school, via phone or email.